Gooch, the Lady Red Devils' lead off batter this season with a .318 batting average, will get a full athletic scholarship to take the diamond for the Lady Warhawks.
Bailee said, "I am excited to continue my softball career as a Lady Warhawk. I am hoping to play shortstop but will play anywhere Coach Keenum needs me. I am planning to go into the nursing program and finish at Calhoun with my RN degree.
Siblings: Brandi Gooch
College Choice: Calhoun Community College
College Major: Pediatric Nursing
Church: Blackburn Road Baptist Church
Hobbies: Sports and painting canvases
Clubs/Honors: Delegate at Girls State, Wendy’s Heisman, HOSA, FCCLA, FCA, Senior Beta, Mu Alpha Theta, Limestone Co Spirit Award Nominee, Voted Senior Class Most Athletic